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The website focuses on the history and techniques of Matte Painting in film production, and then extends all the way to CGI (Computer Generated Image) technology.
In CG, the ancient MP (Matte Painting) evolved into DMP (Digital Matte Painting), how digitalization helps us to create MP works faster. With the help of science, we will get closer to understand the nature of human creation, and help Matte Painter to create works efficiently by machine learning, reducing time cost and improving physical realism of works. This step we call general InvisibleArt, as the name implies, means that even if our works are imagined in the sky, it is still in line with human visual realism, and the scenes we create in the computer world are like a camera directly shooting a real scene, and no one can distinguish whether it is CGI or not. Our goal will be achieved.
When we talk about art from a broader perspective, InvisibleArt is the mysterious combination hidden in the chords of music, InvisibleArt is the brushstrokes hidden in the painting to create details, InvisibleArt is every muscle and the linkage of bones hidden in the performer’s body, what we convey to the audience through our works is not the technique, nor is it about how we do it, but the story we want to tell behind our works and the world of human emotions, which is InvisibleArt.
InvisibleArt roadmap
Website Architecture
Knowledge Base Platform About film and computer graphics technology and work sharing. Record my own learning and memo. Life Talk, Perception and Imagination. About machine learning for quantitative trading. About Linux and Unix technology, SRE practice and work sharing. Inspired by the book <Molecular Machines: A Materials Science Approach>, documenting my journey through the book.